Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i think i've made a huge mistake

That was for all my fellow Arrested Development fans. Wait, a joke's not funny if you have to explain it...oh well!

So, I'm insane and have decided to ride with Team HP in the MS150 this year. It should be a rewarding and exciting experience...but I am totally scared @&#*less! Wish me luck and hope I don't totally come back scraped and bruised!

As part of this whole thing, we have to raise moolah for the National MS Society research fund. It's great cause, so if you have some spare change, feel free to visit my page! :)

Donate Now!


Annemarie said...

Whoa.....that's awesome!!! Good luck with the training! :)

Camille said...

I am so super duper excited you are going to ride. Its going to be so much fun! :) You will do fantastic... I hear you will have a good trainer :)

N_Moore said...

heard you have an awesome trainer!! if you need an assistant trainer...