Sunday, October 12, 2008

Turkish fest

The Greek fest was postponed due to Hurricane Nita used her google skills and found another culture to celebrate! The Turkish Festival was being held in Jones Nikki, Nita and I went to enjoy the fun. I cracked up when we walked in...the belly dancer was totally the same girl that just performed at a friend's birthday party had to be her! The little boy and girl in the pic below were totally loving taking a little dancing lesson!
We relaxed there for a while, then decided to go over to check out Discovery Green. Nikki and I snacked on ice cream and we just enjoyed the pretty day at the new, busy downtown park! It's nice to see that Houston finally has a nice outdoor area to relax in town!


N_Moore said...

next time...maybe i'll venture out & try the whole i can shake my tummy thing!! :) who am i kidding?

Sam said...

Hi Lora,
This is Samuel from France, as I can see even if you're not travelling around the world you try to be in other countries even in Texas... That's great!
c u

loragaige said...

Hi Samuel! I just wish I could add the festival countries to my overall country count!! :)

Hope all is well in France!