Tuesday, March 18, 2008

gaigespages is up to date!

Finally!!! I've uploaded the 18 new albums with pics all the way from the beginning of February. It's a busy couple of months! I've had a few fun nights out in Houston, been to California (twice!), Portland and was in a photoshoot for HP! :)

So, what's my excuse for taking so long? Well, my internet connection at home had been AWFUL! Uploading pics was taking forever so I'd get annoyed and give up. AP asked if I had secured my network and I was like, nah...never had done it. Both my neighbors have wireless networks...so they wouldn't be wahoo'ing it from me! Ok, silly, naive me!!! I locked it down and it's been like going from dial up to broadband again! My connection is amazing!!! So, hopefully, I'll update more often now and get back on track! :) YEA!

Here are a few screenshots of all the "hard" work it takes to keep the website up and going!
First, I upload the pics, add captions (haven't done this yet...working on it) and save the little version of the pics...
Next, I email myself for the links...
Then, I update the HTML...that's a lot of text!

Next, upload the HTML to gaigespages.com...

Finally, they are posted for all to enjoy (and steal for their myspace pages)!


~Kara~ said...

I love the new pictures! That's a nice big black spot you are showcasing!! :) Love the pic of you and your puppy dog!

loragaige said...

Hehe, I know! I am the design protection queen for this year's notebooks...so I would have a sniper come after me if I posted the "real" images! I'll update them after the big launch in Berlin in September!!! I know you're super excited!