Sunday, March 30, 2008

caps - 3.29.08

Today was a CAPs's the shelter that we volunteer at once a month to take pics of the sweet cats and dogs. The full name is Citzens for Animal Protection. If you know anyone looking, I'm going to add them here...just in case! There were a couple that were especially cuddly if you want details.

It's tough to do it emotionally for just want to pack them all up and take them home, but hopefully getting them on the website helps then to find their new and even better homes. :)

Here are the "headshots" and the website will include all the details later tonight or tomorrow morning.


Beankountess said...

I want Molly!! Break my heart!!

Annemarie said...

So...which one did you almost bring home to live with your existing zoo? They really are adorable....and what a great photographer they have!!! :)

loragaige said...

the little mini golden retreiver and the chihuahuas. they were all so sweet. the mini golden is like corgie sized, but acts just like a a forever puppy.

And the chis were both the sweet, non nippy, non barky types. just cuddly :) One was 7 that always pulls at the heart strings.